Baw Mentor

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We Can Help You Avoid The Millions Dollar Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Brand

Frequently Asked Questions

At Baw Mentor, we operate uniquely in that we are purely performance-based. We only win if you win, and strive to eventually acquire an equity stake in your success. Every day we are actively involved ourselves, not just in words but in actions. Our interests are fully aligned with yours; we don’t play a game, but have one goal together: your growth. This makes us different from other mentorships.
If your company has less than 100k in annual sales, our first step is to look at the potential of your product or service. Our methods are most effective when your product or service has already proven to be successful in the marketplace. The 100k limit is our standard lower limit, but it is not an absolute barrier. If we truly believe in the potential of your business, we are willing to make an exception and invest in you and your business. Moreover, we offer the opportunity to join our community even before you reach 100k sales. This way we can already get to know each other and you will be ready to take full advantage of our expertise once your business reaches this milestone.
Our timeline starts with establishing ‘what’: we analyze your current relevant KPIs such as CAC, LTV, CR, ROI, and Sales Calls to identify the biggest opportunities for improvement, the ‘big wins’. Next, we focus on the ‘how’: developing strategies to improve these KPIs in the shortest possible time. Finally, we determine the ‘who’ – who is responsible for implementing these strategies within your organization. This provides clear accountability and direction for achieving your business goals.
Our fee structure is purely performance-based. We typically charge 5-10% of total revenue for at least one year. In this way, we ensure that our interests are parallel to yours; we benefit only if your business is successful. In addition, we ask you to set aside an amount for the project from which we do not make a profit. We do this to ensure that you are fully committed to the project. After a year, we evaluate the possibility of buying a stake in your company, which we consider from an EBITDA of 100k after management fees.